Shuhart News

Book Now for 2016 Whitetail Hunts
by Christina It’s never too early to start planning your next big hunt! In fact, at Shuhart Creek Whitetails, we’re already taking reservations for 2016 hunts! Archery season begins Oct. 1 and runs through the second week in January. The first gun season is Nov. 18...

Last-Minute Hunting Opportunities Still Available at Shuhart Creek
by Christina If you think you waited too late in the season to book your whitetail hunt, think again! At Shuhart Creek Whitetails, we still have limited availability, meaning you could be part of a hunt this year. Hunting season is in full swing, and we’ve already...

2015 Turkey Hunt Season was a SUCCESS at Shuhart Creek Whitetails
by Christina The 2015 turkey season was a success! Make sure you look into booking your 2016 Hancock County Turkey hunts with Shuhart Creek Whitetails.

What to Bring on Your Deer or Turkey Hunt at Shuhart Creek
by Admin What should you bring on your deer or turkey hunt at Shuhart Creek Whitetails? Here are our suggestions on items to pack for your upcoming hunting trip. First, make sure you have your deer, turkey and hunting licenses. Gun hunters need to have their guns...

Make Your Turkey Hunting Reservation Today
by Mitch Spring is just around the corner and with it comes turkey hunting season. Shuhart Creek Whitetails is known for our great deer hunts, but you might not know that we offer turkey hunts too! Northern Zone turkey season is April 13 – May 14, 2015, and we are...

Register Now for Fall 2015 Whitetail Hunts
by Christina While our staff is gearing up for turkey hunts, which kick off in just a few months, now is the time for hunters to begin planning their whitetail hunting trips! Permit sales will be here before you know it, so count on Shuhart Creek to keep you updated...
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